Take Charge of Your Health and Well-Being

SWC Patient Portal
Message your medical provider, view your records, make a payment, and more.
Grow your Well-being

YOU@菠菜网lol正规平台 is designed to help students Succeed, Thrive, and Matter by managing stress,
settling goals, promoting happiness and well-being, and connecting to campus resources.

eCHECKUP TO GO is a series of interactive online tools designed to give personalized
feedback on your use of alcohol, cannabis, and/or tobacco.

Wellness Lounge
Take a break in our space, reserve a massage chair appointment, and pick up safer
sex supplies.
Nov 1 - Mar 31, Masks are required at the Student Wellness Center
Beginning November 1st, masks are required in the Student Wellness Center for the
Designated Respiratory Virus Period (November 1 - March 31), according to Santa Clara County guidelines. Please bring & wear a mask upon entry to the building.
We're Hiring Student Assistants!
Student assistant applications are now open for the 2025 - 2026 academic year. Visit our webpage to review the positions and apply on Handshake. Priority will be given to applications
received by Sunday, April 13, 2025
Apply Today!
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