GRE & Other Exams
The GRE® General Test and GRE® Subject Tests are taken by individuals applying to graduate programs, including business and law. Students requesting testing accommodation must complete the GRE Application in addition to the GRE® Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs (PDF).
The AEC will complete Part III of the GRE Bulletin Supplement when:
- Documentation on file with AEC meets ETS's Disability Documentation Guidelines.
- Requests are submitted at least 30 days prior to the application's due date.
To submit a request please use the AEC's GRE Part III DocuSign. Note: Request may take up to 10 business days to be processed.
A copy of the completed form will be emailed to the student to the email provided on the GRE Part III DocuSign.
Other Exams
Email requests for standardized exams (NOT GRE) to Attach required application pages/instructions to be completed by AEC. Requests without required application pages/instructions will not process. Requests may take up to 10 business days to be processed.
The AEC will process requests when:
- Documentation on file with AEC meets the testing agencies disability documentation guidelines.
- Requests are submitted at least 30 days prior to the application's due date.
Completed applications will be sent via email.