Faculty FAQ
General AEC Information
Faculty Accommodation Notification
Testing Accommodations
Notetaking Services
Other Accommodations
Alternative Formats
Faculty Final Exams
General AEC Information
- Is AEC staff available for support?
- AEC continues to support instructors via email (aec-exams@yopin365.com), phone, and zoom to address any instructor concern regarding supporting accommodations and the administration of exams, including finals.
- Where can an instructor receive technical support?
Instructors can contact 菠菜网lol正规平台’s E-Campus for support with remote teaching support, including Canvas support.
- What is the Accommodation Process?
Faculty Accommodation Notification
How will instructors know what accommodations students are approved for?
Students must request their accommodations via MyAEC in order for faculty to receive a “Faculty Notification Letter.”
- I received a “Faculty Notification Letter,” is there anything I need to do?
- In-Person Courses: Yes, Click on the link located in the red box within the Faculty Notification Letter
and complete the form. Information must include all quizzes, midterms, exams and final
exam information; include dates, times, length of exams and aids allowed. Aids not
listed will not be permitted for use during the exam. This information can only be
provided once through this link (MyAEC). Additional changes can be done via the MyAEC
Faculty Portal or by changes emailing aec-exams@yopin365.com.
On-line Courses: No action needed. Students will email instructors directly at least 5 days (3 days for Summer/Winter Session) prior to each exam to confirm/remind instructors that accommodations are being requested for each particular exam, including final exams.
- In-Person Courses: Yes, Click on the link located in the red box within the Faculty Notification Letter
and complete the form. Information must include all quizzes, midterms, exams and final
exam information; include dates, times, length of exams and aids allowed. Aids not
listed will not be permitted for use during the exam. This information can only be
provided once through this link (MyAEC). Additional changes can be done via the MyAEC
Faculty Portal or by changes emailing aec-exams@yopin365.com.
Where can instructors view a list of all students with accommodations?
Instructors can view the courses they are teaching and any requested accommodations via the MyAEC Faculty Portal.
Who can I talk with if I do not understand the need for the accommodation(s) or disagree
with the accommodation(s)?
Instructors with questions and/or concerns regarding a student's accommodation(s) should contact the AEC to talk with a counselor.
What if I have a student in my class who needs accommodation due to a disability?
If you have not received accommodation information from the AEC, inform the student you are happy to accommodate them once you receive information from the AEC. Let the student know course accommodations, due to a disability, are determined by the AEC, and not the instructor. Provide the student with AEC's email (aec-info@yopin365.com).
Testing Accommodations
What is the process for administering accommodated exams in 2024-2025?
Faculty can review the Alternative Testing Guide for 2024-2025 [pdf] for information on how testing accommodations will be administered.
How will I be notified that a student has requested accommodations for a quiz/exam?
In-Person Courses:
Students must submit a Test Accommodation Form on MyAEC at least 5 business days (3 business days for Summer/Winter sessions) prior to the actual exam date.
Faculty will receive an email from MyAEC each time a student submits a Test Accommodation Form. The email will contain information about the day and time the student has requested to test.
-If you approve of their date/time, all you need to do is send the test to the AEC.
-If you do not approve of the date/ time, you must inform the AEC so the student’s exam can be rescheduled. Note- If the AEC does not receive notice from the faculty that a student may not test on a specific date/time, the AEC will administer the exam as requested by the student.On-Line Courses:
-Students must discuss their prescribed testing accommodations with each faculty of record. Once faculty have received a Faculty Notification Letter t and discussed which quizzes/exams the student wants to use prescribed testing accommodations on, faculty should provide the prescribed extended time on all agreed-upon quizzes/exams.
-Students should email faculty directly at least 5 business days (3 business days for Summer/Winter sessions) prior to each exam to remind faculty of the requested testing accommodations.
How will I know which students have prescribed testing accommodations?
Faculty will receive a “Faculty Notification Letter” for each student with prescribed accommodations. Testing accommodations are noted under “Testing Accommodations."
How do I set up extended time for online exams?
Instructors must adjust two fields in order to properly set up extended time accommodations: Extra Time on Attempt and Availability Dates. If both fields are not adjusted for the student's prescribed extended time, the student will be logged out of the quiz/exam before they receive their full extended time.
You can use the following Canvas tutorials for instructions on how to set up extended time accommodations.
-Once I publish a timed quiz, how can I give my students extra time?
If you have additional questions or technical concerns, you can contact 菠菜网lol正规平台 eCampus for support via phone and email.
What technical support is available for Canvas exam settings?
菠菜网lol正规平台 E-Campus is available for support via phone and email.
How do I send exam materials to AEC?
Faculty can log into the MyAEC Faculty Portal to upload exams or may email exams to aec-exams@yopin365.com with the following information:
-Standard Exam Time
-Do not calculate extended time- AEC will do so
-Standard time should be the time the classroom receives for an exam
-Allowable aides (if applicable)
-If aides/notes allowed, is student allowed to keep them
-Method of exam return
-Faculty Contact Information
Am I required to accommodate a student who does not request their accommodation at
least 5 business days (3 business days for Summer/Winter Sessions) prior to their
Yes. The 5 business days (3 business days for Summer/Winter Sessions) request is a time frame to allow instructors time to set up the prescribed accommodation. Faculty are not required to accommodate a student if the student requests the accommodation in an unreasonable time frame (e.g.: 1 hour prior to the scheduled exam for extended time only; for all other accommodations instructors should contact the AEC (aec-info@yopin365.com) for consultation if they have questions.
Is Canvas compatible with the software AEC provides to students?
Canvas is an accessible platform and it is compatible with assistive technology with or without Lockdown Browser, such as screen readers. Students prescribed the reading program Natural Reader, already have access to the software and are able to use it with Canvas exam
Notetaking services are provided to students registered with the Accessible Education Center (AEC), whose disability impairment(s) prevent the student from taking notes during course lecture. Notetaking services are provided to begin to eliminate the competitive disadvantage under which the students with disabilities function; however, it is impossible to fully compensate for a disability.
What type of notetaking services are prescribed?
AEC may prescribe one or more of the following as Notetaking accommodations:
1. Notetaker (Peer):
Peer Notetaking is managed through the MyAEC portal and it is anonymous. AEC manages the recruitment of all notetakers. No action is needed on behalf of instructor in recruiting a notetaker. Instructor will receive a message with the selected notetaker’s information. However, please know that at times AEC may enlist instructor for assistance to help secure a notetaker if our recruitment process does not result in finding a volunteer.2. Personal Laptop/Mobile Device to Take Notes:
Students will use a personal laptop/mobile device to take their own note during class.3. Sonocent/Glean Notetaking Software:
Sococent is an Audio Notetaker which allows for the use of a laptop/Ipad to capture audio, text, and slides in a single note-taking workspace. Glean allows students to record and engage from live or recorded content without distractions.4. Lecture Recording, or Photo Lecture Capture, or Smart Pen (Provided by Student):
Students to use their own personal device to capture lecture.
Who is qualified to be a notetaker?
Notetakers must be matriculated students and enrolled in the same course student with prescribed accommodation. Notetaking is a semester-long service provided through the last class session.
- How will I be notified if a student needs a notaker?
Students will login to MyAEC to request notetaking as an accommodation. Requested accommodations will be sent to instructors via the Faculty Notification Letter from MyAEC.
- Does the notetaker know who the student is they are taking notes for?
Notetaking Service is confidential. However, the instructor will be provided the Notetaker’s name.
Why do I need to know the name of the assigned notetaker?
The AEC notifies instructors when a notetaker has been assigned for multiple reasons. The notification is sent to the instructor to notify them that the accommodation has been fulfilled, and that AEC will not need their support in making a class announcement. Also, in a scenario where a course has strict policies against using a laptop in class and the student has an accommodation for typed notes or a policy against students “copying” lecture material, the instructor will know who is allowed to use their laptops and allow the notetaker to take notes.
Can students choose their notetaker?
If students have a classmate they would like to be the notetaker, students should email aec-notetaking@yopin365.com with the potential notetakers full name and email. The AEC will then contact them with further instructions.
How will students receive notes while AEC is recruiting for a notetaker?
- Notes will not be uploaded until a specific notetaker is assigned. If the assigned notetaker has notes from the beginning of the semester, the AEC will ask the notetaker to upload all the notes that they have when the notetaker is assigned.
Will I be able to view notes being uploaded?
Yes, instructors can log into the Faculty Portal to view uploaded notes.
Other Accommodations
- A student has been prescribed an accommodation for an "Attendance Adjustment", how
does this accommodation work?
Students prescribed the accommodation of “Attendance Adjustment” have disabilities that are episodic and/or unpredictable. An attendance accommodation is intended for students unable to attend class due to the direct effects of a verified disability.
This accommodation support curriculum requirements; meaning, fundamental course requirements and learning outcomes will not be altered. Therefore, this accommodation could affect and be implemented differently for each course. The Attendance Adjustment Guide [pdf] provides detailed description of the accommodation along with suggestions based on course style.
A student has been prescribed an accommodation for “Assignment Extension,” how does
this accommodation work?
Students prescribed the accommodation of “Assignment Extension” have disabilities that are episodic and/or unpredictable. An assignment extension accommodation is:
- for independent, non-group assignments.
- for assignments not stated on the course syllabus that are announced and/or where the required material needed for completion is not made available until 5 business days or less before the due date.
- only to be utilized for disability-related limitations; it does not apply to assignment extensions unrelated to a disability (e.g., common illness, car trouble, etc.) Such extensions should be addressed according to the syllabus. The student is responsible for following the faculty’s syllabus regarding missed assignment deadlines due to non-disability related issues.
- all work must be submitted at least 48 hours before grades are due.This accommodation support curriculum requirements; meaning, fundamental course requirements and learning outcomes will not be altered. Therefore, this accommodation could affect and be implemented differently for each course. The Assignment Extension Guide [pdf] provides detailed description of the accommodation.
What is considered accessible materials?
- An accessible document is an electronic document which can be used by everyone, including students with disabilities who use screen readers. Faculty are provided support for Design Resource by e-campus.
Is Respondus Lockdown compatible with assistive technology?
The Mac and the iPad version of LockDown Browser works with VoiceOver (the standard screen reader that comes with the Mac OS and iOS) and requires no additional effort by the user. The Windows version of LockDown Browser allows a student to use some screen reader programs, such as JAWS.
It's important to recognize that LockDown Browser is simply a browser used to take exams within a Learning Management System. The Learning Management System itself is responsible for making its tools and content accessible. Remember to post accessible materials onto Canvas.
Alternative Formats
- What are Alternative Formats?
Alternative media formats include Braille, e-text (electronic text), and large print. Alternative format is produced for curriculum requirements only and is determined by individual student need and the ability to provide the curriculum material in the desired format.
Students prescribed alternative formats must meet with the Alternative Media Coordinator to discuss and determine appropriate format and receive training on the prescribed assistive technology.
- How do I submit an alternative format request for my textbook?
Students are responsible for requesting alternative formats services each semester they are required. Students should request alternative formats as soon as classes appear in MyAEC. All requests must be submitted via MyAEC Student Portal.
Late requests will be honored provided the student making the request understands CAT will set the timeline for completion of the work accordingly. Late submissions are those requests received after the semester begins.
Step 1: Login to MyAEC
Step 2: On the left side hand side click on Alternative Formats
Step 3: Select the book(s) from list
Step 4: Upload a copy of proof of payment, i,e. book receipts
- What if my textbook is not listed in MyAEC?
- If the textbook is not listed, students must submit e-text requests using the Custom
Request form located in the alternative formats section. The following information
must be included for each book request:
-Book title
-ISBN number (13 digits)
- If the textbook is not listed, students must submit e-text requests using the Custom
Request form located in the alternative formats section. The following information
must be included for each book request:
- What happens once I submit my book request?
- CAT staff will request digital textbook files directly from the publisher. However, if publisher files are not available, students will have the option of providing their textbook for production.
- How will I receive my alternative format?
CAT personnel will notify the student by their 菠菜网lol正规平台-issued e-mail address when the alternative format is complete and ready to download. CAT will use WeTransfer to send all completed files.
Students will be provided with one alternative format copy for each material required for academic use. This electronic file is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed. Any further reproduction or distribution is an infringement of the laws governing the production and distribution of alternative formats.
- What if I need Curriculum Course Readers, Lab Manuals, Articles, Handouts & Syllabi
in accessible format?
Students will need to ask the instructor if the material(s) is in electronic format. If yes, the instructor should e-mail the electronic copy to the student. Students should then forward file(s) CAT for production.
If the information is available on a web site (i.e., New York Times, San Jose Mercury News, etc.), students should email the website address to CAT for production.
If the material is not available in electronic format students will need to drop off a hard copy to CAT for production.
- What is the Alternative Format Approximate Turn-Around Time?
Every effort will be made to provide alternative formats in a timely manner. Production time for alternative format requests is determined on a case-by-case basis upon review of material to be formatted and converted. AEC strives to make every effort in working with publishers to submit requests, however it is important to know that once a request has been made there are no guarantees that the publisher will respond in a timely manner. The following durations are approximate turn-around times for the corresponding alternative media format:
- E-books ordered directly from publisher: 3 to 6 weeks.
- Book or files being produced by CAT: 10 working days; production time could be extended depending on the format of the textbook and the time of semester the request is placed.
- Course notes, syllabi, articles: 48 to 72 hours.
- Braille request submitted in electronic format: varies; please contact gabriel.morales@yopin365.com to have your request evaluated for an estimation of completion time.
Faculty Final Exams
- How are testing accommodations being administered for FA/SP 2024-2025 FINAL EXAMS?
- Faculty can review the Alternative Testing Guide for 2024-2025 [pdf] for information on how testing accommodations will be administered.
- How will instructors receive notification that a student will need accommodations
for a final exam?
- AEC has informed students needing accommodations to email instructors directly at least 5 days prior to each exam to confirm/remind instructors that accommodations are being requested for each particular exam, including final exams. Note: Any final exams already entered in MyAEC have been cancelled.
- Am I required to accommodate a student who does not request their accommodation at
least 5 days prior to their exam?
- Yes. The 5 day request is a time frame to allow instructors time to set up the prescribed accommodation. Instructors are not required to accommodate a student if the student requests the accommodation in an unreasonable time frame (e.g.: 1 hour prior to the scheduled exam for extended time only; for all other accommodations instructors should contact the AEC (aec-info@yopin365.com) for consultation if they have questions.
- What should I do after students email me to confirm extended time for their exams?
- Whenever possible, AEC recommends that instructors respond to students’ emails to confirm they will provide extended time for their exams. This alleviates stress for students who may be worried they will not receive their extended time. Make sure to extend the student’s exam time before the scheduled exam. Please refer to this tutorial for instructions on how to extend time and contact E-Campus if you need additional support.
- Where can instructors view a list of all students with accommodations?
- Instructors can view the courses they are teaching and any requested accommodations via the MyAEC Faculty Portal.
- How do instructors know students prescribed extended testing accommodation?
- Each student(s) prescribed extended time may vary; prescribed extended time can be found on the “Faculty Notification Letter”.
- How do instructors extend testing time on Canvas?
- Instructors can visit the Canvas Tutorial for assistance setting up exams with extended time accommodations.
- Where can an instructor receive technical support?
- Instructors can contact 菠菜网lol正规平台’s E-Campus for support with remote teaching support, including Canvas support.
- What is considered accessible materials?
- An accessible document is an electronic document which can be used by everyone, including students with disabilities who use screen readers. For additional inflation please visit AEC’s Faculty Resources webpage. Faculty can also visit the Center for Faculty Development for tutorials on creating accessible materials.
- Is Canvas compatible with the software AEC provides to students?
- Canvas is an accessible platform and it is compatible with assistive technology with or without Lockdown Browser, such as screen readers. Students prescribed the reading program Natural Reader, already have access to the software and are able to use it with Canvas exams.
- Is Respondus Lockdown compatible with assistive technology?
- The Mac and the iPad version of LockDown Browser works with VoiceOver (the standard screen reader that comes with the Mac OS and iOS) and requires no additional effort by the user. The Windows version of LockDown Browser allows a student to use some screen reader programs, such as JAWS. It's important to recognize that LockDown Browser is simply a browser used to take exams within a Learning Management System. The Learning Management System itself is responsible for making its tools and content accessible. Remember to post accessible materials onto Canvas.
- Is AEC staff available for support?
- AEC continues to support instructors via email (aec-exams@yopin365.com), phone, and zoom to address any instructor concern regarding supporting accommodations and the administration of exams, including Spring 2023 finals.